
How to make money by being a freelance article writer

Do you like writing and want to make money from these activities?  If so, one way is to become a  freelance writer  .  In my view, the request (  demand  ) services is of sufficiently high quality article writing for many bloggers who do not have much time to write or focus on developing his blog to the next level. If you just found out the article writer is free, don't worry.  In this article I will explain the exact strategies you need to do to earn money by becoming a freelance writer.  This strategy is not a theory, but from my experience being a freelance writer in the past 2 years. I use the money earned from these side jobs to finance my needs as a public high school student.  Looks interesting, right? Let's start… 7 Benefits of Becoming a Loose Article Writer Before going to the strategy, I first explained why you need to choose to become a freelance writer.  In my understanding, there are at least 7 benefits that you...


Trusted PPD Online Business Usercloud |  usercloud is an online business based in the Trusted PPD UserCloud and Paying field.  What is PPD?  PPD Is Short For Pay Per Download.  Where Usercloud is the latest file hosting, which has all the free and complete features such as uploading file formats: Mp3, Video, zip, rar and others ...  Maybe for those of you who don't know, it's still wondering about what UsersCloud is? Yes, because Usercloud is still crazy.  UsersCloud  is a site that provides file hosting services to store files online (SAFE 100%). On the other hand, if someone downloads the file you uploaded on UsersCloud, then you will get a prize in the form of money ($$ $$).  In each file you download by the user with a download price of $ 0.001 - $ 0.02 umayan is not ...  Just imagine, if there are 1000 people who download your file every day, then that day you will get between $ 15 - $ 20 which is equivalent to 180,000 - 250,000 per ...

How to Find and Get Ads For a Blog or Personal Web

How to Find and Get Ads For a Blog or Personal Web   Articles   Tips and Tricks - Finding ads for blogs and personal websites without going through a third party is something that is relatively difficult.   The reason is that the current trend means that advertisers use third party services to distribute their ads to the affected ad space provider. Especially If the website or blog that we have do not have many visitors, it would be very difficult to find ads without the help of third parties. The problem is not every blog or website owners who want to be fitted with the same concepts using the concept and system offered by the third party services.   Not to mention the third party in charge of finding ads and displaying ads will ask for a commission that is relatively great from every income gained.   When it is so then the only option means plunging yourself looking for advertisers for a blog or website that has been ready f...

5 How to find Advertisers / Sponsors for Your Blog

5 How to find Advertisers / Sponsors for Your Blog    Money Blogger Selling an  area of ​​ads  directly is the most appropriate strategy to make money from blogs.   You can determine the price of the ad space that is offered with reference, the price is proportional to the amount and quality of your blog traffic at that time. Of course the higher the traffic then the opportunity to get  advertizer  or advertiser will be greater.   Why should Traffic .. ??   It's an advertiser's reference when choosing promotional media to maximize ad clicks on their banners.   Of course more and more unique visitors on your website, then the chance of their ad click will be bigger. What happens next .. ??   This is where they will be interested in sponsoring your website or blog within a certain time of mutual agreement.   Here's  how 5 ways to find advertisers for a website or blog  .   2 Terms...