How to make money by being a freelance article writer
Do you like writing and want to make money from these activities? If so, one way is to become a freelance writer . In my view, the request ( demand ) services is of sufficiently high quality article writing for many bloggers who do not have much time to write or focus on developing his blog to the next level.
If you just found out the article writer is free, don't worry. In this article I will explain the exact strategies you need to do to earn money by becoming a freelance writer. This strategy is not a theory, but from my experience being a freelance writer in the past 2 years.
I use the money earned from these side jobs to finance my needs as a public high school student. Looks interesting, right?
Let's start…
7 Benefits of Becoming a Loose Article Writer
Before going to the strategy, I first explained why you need to choose to become a freelance writer. In my understanding, there are at least 7 benefits that you will get.
1. Time Flexibility
The first reason is the flexibility (flexibility) of time. You will not be restrained so that you can work after work, go home from school, in the afternoon, morning, midnight, or holiday. In other words, this working time is adjusted to your daily life.
However, that does not mean you will work at will. You must pay attention to the artukel delivery deadlines set by the consumer. So, be clever at managing time and trying to send writing to consumers before the deadline arrives.
2. Place flexibility
Next, the advantage of being a freelance writer is the flexibility of the place. There are no rules that require you to work in the office. You can write anywhere, for example in an open space, cafe, field, room, library, or hotel.
Of course, choosing this place is tailored to your situation and comfort. For example, if you prefer to be in an open space because the idea is easy to appear, you should write it in that place.
3. Know Bloggers and Famous Website Owners
In terms of business and acquaintances, being a freelance writer allows you to get to know a number of well-known bloggers or website owners. By knowing him, of course you can learn a lot from them. For example, the right way of business management, time management, managing business resources, or even getting capital from them.
Based on 101 Young CEO's book , one of the capital of a business is social capital. Social capital (acquaintance capital) will provide you with assistance, knowledge, or solutions to business problems that are owned.
4. Great Income Potential
Writing is an expensive skill. If you do it enthusiastically and earnestly, you can get tens of millions of rupiah.
The price of Indonesian blog article writing services currently ranges from Rp. 3,000 to Rp. 6,000 per 100 words. Generally consumers will order a minimum of 300 words.
Let's count. Say, your writing price is Rp. 3,000 per 100 words. If there are bloggers who order articles with 20 articles totaling 700 words per article, then you will get IDR 420,000 (IDR 3,000 x 700 x 20).
Imagine if in a month you got 10 orders as above? Of course, you can generate Rp 4.2 million.
5. No need to leave the profession now
By becoming a freelance writer, you don't need to leave your job. For example, you are a civil servant (PNS). You can work on order articles at night or after morning prayer. In essence, you can use your free time to make money.
6. Creative
By actively writing, you will be creative because writing requires creativity. The more often you write, the more creative and enhanced your writing skills. From this creativity and expertise, it is not impossible that you will become a famous writer like Andrea Hirata.
In addition, writing also helps you delay senility. Why? Because your brain will continue to be honed and trained.
7. Popularity
Have you ever heard the name Imam Al-Ghazali? Why is he still famous until now? Because he is a writer.
By becoming a freelance writer, you are building your authorship portfolio. If it continues to be developed, it is not impossible that you will become a famous writer.
Guide to Being a Loose Article Writer
You already know why the freelance writer promises. Now, it's time for you to know how to become a writer of articles that make money. Below is step by step.
1. Have Basic Writing Milestones
If the base is rotten, of course it will not be solid. Therefore, to become an article writer you must understand the basic milestones in writing. What is the basic milestone in writing it? The milestone is reading.
Reading is a process that will lead you to the world of ideas and shape the style of language of our writing later.
If you are lazy to read, rest assured, the quality of writing will not increase, no matter what technique you do.
Since I started writing, reading books like tutorials, motivation, psychology, and business is my daily life. What results? Ideas for writing are constantly flowing. For example, this article has more than 1000 words, all of which are obtained by actively writing and reading.
2. Sharpen Your Writing Skills
To be a reliable writer, you don't just read it. However, you also have to hone your writing skills. Sharpening these skills is only in one way, namely writing and writing.
Find out what topics you want to write, read the material related to the topic, then write it down. After you write it down, edit it so that your articles are getting better quality.
If you want to know step by step making quality articles, please learn the ebook that Kang Yudiono wrote, namely How to Write Quality Posts .
3. Submit a Writing to Your Friend
Before offering a service, all you need to do is ask someone else to rate your writing. If the assessment is not good, don't be discouraged from continuing to work and improve your writing. Don't forget to ask the appraiser what is lacking in your writing.
If the target is blogger, ask senior bloggers to rate your writing. If the writing you produce has begun to weigh, continue to become a blogger first.
4. Create a Blog for Your Writing
Creating a blog for writing media promotion is a must. Before "peddling" the article writer services, you should also create your own blog, then, fill it with your own writing. What is the use of the blog?
The blog will be useful if your prospective customer or buyer asks or wants to see articles you have produced. If they like your writing, then they will make you a writer.
If you don't know how to create a blog, please see How to Create a Free Blog on Blogger and WordPress.
5. Promotions on Various Sites
The next stage is an event to promote article writing services. There are several sites that are powerful enough to bring in customers, including:
- Kaskus Buy and Sell Forum
- Facebook group
- Sribulancer
- com (via signature)
How to sell on the sites above is very easy. Make your sales portfolio professional by providing complete contact details. Also inform the advantages and advantages of using your article writing services.
6. Create Customer's List
Consumer satisfaction is number one. If you have started to get orders, write the order completely, starting from the order name, keyword , number of orders, and deadlines.
7. Keep Your Writing Originality
The authenticity and quality of writing is the main thing in offering article writing services. Even though your writing service orders have been many, never once to give the article the copy paste . Remember, once you cheat, your credibility can go down dramatically.
8. Request Testimonials
Don't forget to ask your customers for testimonials. This testimonial is the most powerful marketing strategy because it can increase people's trust in your services.
9. Understand SEO basics
Because you offer article writing services for blogs, meaning you have to understand the name SEO. You don't have to learn complicated techniques, just learn the basics first, such as keyword research and on page optimization . Also read the 3 Main Pillars in Learning SEO.
10. Timely
Sending unsubstantiated posts without a clear reason to your customer is a fatal mistake. Therefore, try to submit articles at least 1 day before the deadline.
If it's late, for example, you are sick or there is a disaster, inform the customer about it. If they are not happy, you should return their money to maintain your professionalism.
Being a freelance writer is one strategy that you can try to make money without leaving your job. This strategy is simple, but you need to work hard at first. Try step by step that I have described above right now. I am optimistic you can become a freelance writer who makes money.
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